pat, console, comfort; pacify


撫 fǔ
  • to comfort
  • to console
  • to stroke
  • to caress
  • an old term for province or provincial governor


ān fǔ to placate; to pacify; to appease
奶嘴 ān fǔ nǎi zuǐ (baby's) pacifier
xún fǔ inspector-general of province in Ming and Qing times
píng fǔ to calm; to appease; to quieten
ài fǔ to caress; to fondle; to look after (tenderly); affectionate care
扼喉背 è hóu fǔ bèi lit. to strangle the front and press the back (idiom); fig. to occupy all key points (military)
zhāo fǔ to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty; to bring to negotiated surrender
卹 fǔ xù (of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury
寧 fǔ níng Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei
寧縣 fǔ níng xiàn Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei
州 fǔ zhōu Fuzhou prefecture-level city in Jiangxi
州市 fǔ zhōu shì Fuzhou prefecture-level city in Jiangxi
平 fǔ píng to flatten; to smooth down; to unwrinkle; (fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds); to heal (scars)
恤金 fǔ xù jīn compensation payment (for injury); relief payment
愛 fǔ ài to love tenderly; affection; loving care; to caress
慰 fǔ wèi to console; to comfort; to soothe
慰金 fǔ wèi jīn consolation money; compensation
抱 fǔ bào caress
摩 fǔ mó to stroke; to caress
摸 fǔ mō to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle
松 fǔ sōng Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin
松縣 fǔ sōng xiàn Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin
琴 fǔ qín to play the zither; classical variant of 彈琴|弹琴[tan2 qin2]
綏 fǔ suí to appease; to pacify
育 fǔ yù to nurture; to raise; to foster; to tend
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