zhé xié

fold, bend; twisted, curved



摺 zhé
  • to break
  • to fracture
  • to snap
  • to suffer loss
  • to bend
  • to twist
  • to turn
  • to change direction
  • convinced
  • to convert into (currency)
  • discount
  • rebate
  • tenth (in price)
  • classifier for theatrical scenes
  • to fold
  • accounts book
  • variant of 折[zhe2]
  • document folded in accordion form


摺 stroke order diagram
摺 stroke order animation


線 tū zhé xiàn convex polygonal line
zòu zhé memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)
cún zhé passbook; bankbook
duì zhé to sell at a 50% discount; to fold in two
xīn zhé convinced; to admire from the heart; enchanted
光 zhé guāng refraction
奏 zhé zòu memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)
子 zhé zi folding notebook; accounts book
尺 zhé chǐ folding ruler
椅 zhé yǐ folding chair
紙 zhé zhǐ paper folding; origami
线 zhé xiàn variant of 折線|折线[zhe2 xian4], broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments); polygonal line; dog leg
線 zhé xiàn variant of 折線|折线[zhe2 xian4], broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments); polygonal line; dog leg
裙 zhé qún pleated skirt
轉 zhé zhuǎn reflex (angle); to turn back
héng zhé horizontal fold or tuck
héng zhé horizontal fold or tuck
zhòu zhé see 皺折|皱折[zhou4 zhe2]
zhòu zhé see 皺折|皱折[zhou4 zhe2]
蘇格蘭耳貓 sū gé lán zhé ěr māo Scottish Fold
yóu zhé (philately) presentation pack; stamp folder
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