
copy, trace, sketch; depict

HSK 5 #1246


描 miáo
  • to depict
  • to trace (a drawing)
  • to copy
  • to touch up


描 stroke order diagram
描 stroke order animation


数码扫 shù mǎ sǎo miáo a digital scan
數碼掃 shù mǎ sǎo miáo a digital scan
bái miáo line drawing in traditional ink and brush style; simple and straightforward style of writing
超声扫 chāo shēng sǎo miáo ultrasonic scan
超聲掃 chāo shēng sǎo miáo ultrasonic scan
越黑 yuè miáo yuè hēi lit. the more you touch things up, the darker they get; fig. to only make matters worse
淡寫 qīng miáo dàn xiě to sketch in light shades; to play down; to deemphasize (idiom)
逐行扫 zhú háng sǎo miáo line by line scanning; progressive scanning
逐行掃 zhú háng sǎo miáo line by line scanning; progressive scanning
隔行扫 gé háng sǎo miáo interlaced scanning
隔行掃 gé háng sǎo miáo interlaced scanning
电脑断层扫 diàn nǎo duàn céng sǎo miáo CAT scan; CT scan
電腦斷層掃 diàn nǎo duàn céng sǎo miáo CAT scan; CT scan