support with the arms; stick in, tuck in; fold up



掖 yē
  • to tuck (into a pocket)
  • to hide
  • to conceal
掖 yè
  • to support by the arm
  • to help
  • to promote
  • at the side
  • also pr. [yi4]


掖 stroke order diagram
掖 stroke order animation


gōng yè palace apartments
gōng yè palace apartments
zhāng yè Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu
zhāng yè Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu
地区 zhāng yè dì qū Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term); Zhangye prefecture level city 張掖市|张掖市[Zhang1 ye4 shi4] (district in Gansu)
地區 zhāng yè dì qū Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term); Zhangye prefecture level city 張掖市|张掖市[Zhang1 ye4 shi4] (district in Gansu)
市 zhāng yè shì Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu
市 zhāng yè shì Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu
fú yè to support; to help
咕 yē gu to toss aside; to misplace
垣 yè yuán sidewalls of a palace
庭 yè tíng Lateral Courts in the imperial palace (housing concubines and administrative offices
盖盖 yē yē gài gài stealthily; clandestinely
蓋蓋 yē yē gài gài stealthily; clandestinely
门 yè mén small side door of a palace
門 yè mén small side door of a palace
tí yē to recommend sb for a promotion; to guide and support sb
jiǎng yè to reward and promote
jiǎng yè to reward and promote
cáng yē to try to cover up; hiding place
藏藏 cáng cáng yē yē to conceal
yòu yè to help and encourage
yòu yè to help and encourage
xuān yè forbidden place
xuān yè forbidden place
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