to bale out; to decant liquids



  • to bale out
  • to decant liquids
  • to ladle out
  • to dip
  • to pour out


挹 stroke order diagram
挹 stroke order animation


借资注 jiè zī yì zhù to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)
借資注 jiè zī yì zhù to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)
取 yì qǔ to ladle out; to scoop up
掬 yì jū to scoop up water with the hands
注 yì zhù to shift resources into areas of need; to inject funds; to balance resources
酌 yì zhuó to pour out wine
huī yì to be extremely modest and polite
huī yì to be extremely modest and polite
qīn yì to admire and respect; to look up to
qīn yì to admire and respect; to look up to
chōng yì to defer to; to be submissive
chōng yì to defer to; to be submissive
jiǎng yì to reward and promote
jiǎng yì to reward and promote
藉资注 jiè zī yì zhù variant of 借資挹注|借资挹注[jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4]
藉資注 jiè zī yì zhù variant of 借資挹注|借资挹注[jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4]
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