
torture and interrogate; hit



  • torture and interrogate
  • hit
  • to beat
  • to flog
  • to examine under torture


拷 stroke order diagram
拷 stroke order animation


贝 kǎo bèi copy; to copy (loanword)
问 kǎo wèn to question via torture
打 kǎo dǎ to beat a prisoner (to obtain confessions); to give sb the third degree; to torture
严刑打 yán xíng kǎo dǎ torture; interrogation by torture
嚴刑打 yán xíng kǎo dǎ torture; interrogation by torture
問 kǎo wèn to question via torture
掠 kǎo lüè to torture
花 kǎo huā to emboss
貝 kǎo bèi copy; to copy (loanword)
绷巴吊 bèng bā diào kǎo variant of 繃扒吊拷|绷扒吊拷[beng4 ba1 diao4 kao3]
繃巴吊 bèng bā diào kǎo variant of 繃扒吊拷|绷扒吊拷[beng4 ba1 diao4 kao3]
绷扒吊 bèng bā diào kǎo to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique
繃扒吊 bèng bā diào kǎo to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique
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