
fold hands on breast; bow, salute



拱 gǒng
  • to cup one's hands in salute
  • to surround
  • to arch
  • to dig earth with the snout
  • arched


拱 stroke order diagram
拱 stroke order animation


橋 gǒng qiáo arch bridge
状 gǒng zhuàng arch; vault; arched
狀 gǒng zhuàng arch; vault; arched
璧 gǒng bì a flat round jade ornament with a hole at the center; fig. a treasure
肩 gǒng jiān a spandrel (wall filling the shoulder between two neighboring arches)
卫 gǒng wèi to surround and protect
衛 gǒng wèi to surround and protect
門 gǒng mén arched door
顶 gǒng dǐng an arched roof; a dome; a vault
頂 gǒng dǐng an arched roof; a dome; a vault
dǒu gǒng interlocking wooden brackets between the top of a column and crossbeams used in traditional Chinese architecture
dǒu gǒng variant of 斗拱[dou3 gong3]
众星月 zhòng xīng gǒng yuè see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4]
眾星月 zhòng xīng gǒng yuè see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4]
众星辰 zhòng xīng gǒng chén lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris 北辰[Bei3 chen2] (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader
眾星辰 zhòng xīng gǒng chén lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris 北辰[Bei3 chen2] (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader
菌 zhū gǒng jūn Chinese truffle
菌 zhū gǒng jūn Chinese truffle
双曲桥 shuāng qū gǒng qiáo double arched bridge
雙曲橋 shuāng qū gǒng qiáo double arched bridge