HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 2623rd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 986 |
shake off, brush away; dust
拂 fú |
拂 bì |

拂晓 fú xiǎo | daybreak; approach of dawn |
吹拂 chuī fú | to brush; to caress (of breeze); to praise |
拂袖而去 fú xiù ér qù | to storm off in a huff (idiom) |
飘拂 piāo fú | to drift lightly |
拂动 fú dòng | (of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, clothing etc) sway gently; to ruffle |
拂動 fú dòng | (of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, clothing etc) sway gently; to ruffle |
拂尘 fú chén | horsetail whisk; duster |
拂塵 fú chén | horsetail whisk; duster |
拂士 bì shì | attendant to the emperor; wise counselor |
拂扫 fú sǎo | whisk |
拂掃 fú sǎo | whisk |
拂曉 fú xiǎo | daybreak; approach of dawn |
飄拂 piāo fú | to drift lightly |
轻拂 qīng fú | lightly caress or brush something, such as a breeze gently brushing against someone's face |
拂到 fú dào | brush to; flick to |
拂衣 fú yī | to brush or wave one's clothes; a graceful movement of the clothing |
拂过 fú guò | to brush/past; to sweep/past; to waft over |
拂去 fú qù | to brush away; to sweep away |
拂面 fú miàn | to brush against one's face |