HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 529th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 649 |
protect, guard, defend, shelter
- protect, guard, defend, shelter
- to protect

护照 hù zhào | passport; CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4] |
保护 bǎo hù | to protect; to defend; to safeguard; protection; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
护士 hù shi | nurse; CL:個|个[ge4] |
救护车 jiù hù chē | ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4] |
爱护 ài hù | to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect |
辩护 biàn hù | to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of; to defend; to plead |
掩护 yǎn hù | to screen; to shield; to cover; protection; cover; CL:面[mian4] |
维护 wéi hù | to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain |
守护 shǒu hù | to guard; to protect |
拥护 yōng hù | to endorse; to support |
护理 hù lǐ | to nurse; to tend and protect |
护送 hù sòng | to escort; to accompany |
防护 fáng hù | to defend; to protect |
监护 jiān hù | to act as a guardian |
监护权 jiān hù quán | custody (of a child) |
监护人 jiān hù rén | guardian |
看护 kān hù | to nurse; to look after; to watch over; (old) hospital nurse |
护卫 hù wèi | to guard; to protect; bodyguard (for officials in ancient times) |
医护 yī hù | doctors and nurses; medic; medical (personnel) |
庇护 bì hù | asylum; shelter; to shield; to put under protection; to take under one's wing |
救护 jiù hù | to rescue; to administer first aid |
守护神 shǒu hù shén | protector God; patron saint |
护身符 hù shēn fú | amulet; protective talisman; charm |
袒护 tǎn hù | to shield (a miscreant) from punishment, criticism etc; to take sb's side |
呵护 hē hù | to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve |