strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


賭 dǎ dǔ to bet; to make a bet; a wager
赖 dǎ lài to deny; to disclaim; to disavow
賴 dǎ lài to deny; to disclaim; to disavow
赤脚 dǎ chì jiǎo to bare the feet
赤腳 dǎ chì jiǎo to bare the feet
赤膊 dǎ chì bó to bare one's chest; bare-chested
趔趄 dǎ liè qie to trip; to miss a step; to slip
跑 dǎ pǎo to run off rebuffed; to fend off; (to fight off and make sb) run off
跟头 dǎ gēn tou to turn a somersault; to turn head over heels
跟頭 dǎ gēn tou to turn a somersault; to turn head over heels
趸儿 dǎ dǔn r to buy wholesale
躉兒 dǎ dǔn r to buy wholesale
躬作揖 dǎ gōng zuò yī to bow respectfully with clasped hands; to beg humbly
車 dǎ chē to take a taxi (in town); to hitch a lift
轉 dǎ zhuàn to spin; to rotate; to revolve
退 dǎ tuì to beat back; to repel; to repulse
通宵 dǎ tōng xiāo to spend the whole night
进 dǎ jìn to breach; to invade
進 dǎ jìn to breach; to invade
道回府 dǎ dào huí fǔ to go home (in a ceremonial procession); to return home
边炉 dǎ biān lú (Cantonese) to eat hot pot; hot pot
邊爐 dǎ biān lú (Cantonese) to eat hot pot; hot pot
边鼓 dǎ biān gǔ to echo what sb said; to back sb up from the sidelines (in an argument)
邊鼓 dǎ biān gǔ to echo what sb said; to back sb up from the sidelines (in an argument)
酱油 dǎ jiàng yóu to buy soy sauce; it's none of my business ("I’m just here to buy some soy sauce")