strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


短儿 dǎ duǎn r casual labor; to work for a bit
短兒 dǎ duǎn r casual labor; to work for a bit
破砂锅问到底 dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ to go to the bottom of things (idiom)
破砂鍋問到底 dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ to go to the bottom of things (idiom)
砸 dǎ zá to smash up; to vandalize
码 dǎ mǎ to pixelate an image; to key in captcha authentication codes
碼 dǎ mǎ to pixelate an image; to key in captcha authentication codes
禅 dǎ chán to meditate (of Buddhist)
禪 dǎ chán to meditate (of Buddhist)
稿子 dǎ gǎo zi to produce a draft manuscript
谷 dǎ gǔ to thresh
穀 dǎ gǔ to thresh
谷场 dǎ gǔ cháng threshing floor
穀場 dǎ gǔ cháng threshing floor
穀機 dǎ gǔ jī threshing machine
箍 dǎ gū to hoop; to put a hoop around sth
算盤 dǎ suàn pán to compute on the abacus; (fig.) to calculate; to plan; to scheme
結 dǎ jié to tie a knot; to tie
网 dǎ wǎng to net sth; to catch sth with a net
網 dǎ wǎng to net sth; to catch sth with a net
紧 dǎ jǐn important
緊 dǎ jǐn important
罵 dǎ mà to beat and scold
翻身仗 dǎ fān shēn zhàng to work hard towards a turnaround; to fight to reverse sth
耳光 dǎ ěr guāng to slap on the face; to box sb's ears