strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


斷 dǎ duàn to interrupt; to break off; to break (a bone)
旋 dǎ xuán to revolve
旋儿 dǎ xuán r erhua variant of 打旋[da3 xuan2]
旋兒 dǎ xuán r erhua variant of 打旋[da3 xuan2]
早 dǎ zǎo earlier; long ago; as soon as possible
春 dǎ chūn see 立春[Li4 chun1]
杈 dǎ chà to prune (branches)
柴 dǎ chái to chop firewood; to gather firewood
格子 dǎ gé zi to draw a rectangular grid (e.g. of farmland); to checker
棍子 dǎ gùn zi to bludgeon; to hit with a big stick
棚 dǎ péng (dialect) to joke
槍 dǎ qiāng to fire a gun; to substitute for sb in sitting an examination
樁 dǎ zhuāng to drive piles into
樁機 dǎ zhuāng jī pile driver (machinery)
横炮 dǎ héng pào to butt in; to interfere; to make things difficult
橫炮 dǎ héng pào to butt in; to interfere; to make things difficult
档 dǎ dǎng (Tw) to change gears
檔 dǎ dǎng (Tw) to change gears
档车 dǎ dǎng chē (Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter)
檔車 dǎ dǎng chē (Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter)
死 dǎ sǐ to kill; to beat to death
杀 dǎ shā to kill
殺 dǎ shā to kill
氣 dǎ qì to inflate; to pump up; fig. to encourage; to boost morale
气筒 dǎ qì tǒng bicycle pump