

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


电子帐 diàn zǐ shǒu zhàng electronic organizer; PDA
電子帳 diàn zǐ shǒu zhàng electronic organizer; PDA
非常段 fēi cháng shǒu duàn an emergency measure
shùn shǒu easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy
儿 shùn shǒu r handy; convenient and easy to use; smoothly
兒 shùn shǒu r handy; convenient and easy to use; smoothly
牽羊 shùn shǒu qiān yáng lit. to lead away a goat while passing by (idiom); fig. to opportunistically pocket sb's possessions and walk off
yù shǒu person in charge of pack animals; chariot driver
qí shǒu horse rider; equestrian; jockey; bike rider
腾出 téng chū shǒu to get one's hands free (to do sth else)
騰出 téng chū shǒu to get one's hands free (to do sth else)
高压段 gāo yā shǒu duàn high-handed (measures); with a heavy hand
高壓段 gāo yā shǒu duàn high-handed (measures); with a heavy hand
高抬貴 gāo tái guì shǒu to be generous (idiom); to be magnanimous; Give me a break!
高高 gāo gāo shǒu Please do not be too severe on me!
高高儿 gāo gāo shǒu r Please do not be too severe on me!
高高兒 gāo gāo shǒu r Please do not be too severe on me!
sōng shǒu to relinquish one's grip; to let go
营子矿 yīng shǒu yíng zi kuàng Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
營子礦 yīng shǒu yíng zi kuàng Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
营子矿区 yīng shǒu yíng zi kuàng qū Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
營子礦區 yīng shǒu yíng zi kuàng qū Yingshouyingzikuang district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei
咸猪 xián zhū shǒu pervert (esp. one who gropes women in public)
鹹豬 xián zhū shǒu pervert (esp. one who gropes women in public)
鹿死誰 lù sǐ shéi shǒu to whom the deer falls (idiom); the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empire); prize winner; champion