

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


寫 shǒu xiě to write by hand
写识别 shǒu xiě shí bié handwriting recognition
寫識別 shǒu xiě shí bié handwriting recognition
寫體 shǒu xiě tǐ handwritten form; cursive
嶌葵 shǒu dǎo kuí TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female pop singer
工業 shǒu gōng yè handicraft
工台 shǒu gōng tái workbench
工檯 shǒu gōng tái workbench
工藝 shǒu gōng yì handicraft; arts and crafts
帐 shǒu zhàng notebook; pocket diary
帳 shǒu zhàng notebook; pocket diary
式 shǒu shì gesture; same as 手勢|手势[shou3 shi4]
影 shǒu yǐng hand shadow drama
背都是肉 shǒu xīn shǒu bèi dōu shì ròu lit. both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh (idiom); fig. to both be of equal importance; to value both equally
忙腳亂 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn to act with confusion; to be in a flurry; to be flustered
性 shǒu xìng chiral; chirality (chemistry)
扳葫芦 shǒu bān hú lu lever hoist pulley
扳葫蘆 shǒu bān hú lu lever hoist pulley
把 shǒu bà handle
抓羊肉 shǒu zhuā yáng ròu hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on the bone, eaten with the fingers)
抓饭 shǒu zhuā fàn pilaf (rice dish popular in many parts of the world, including Xinjiang); pilau
抓飯 shǒu zhuā fàn pilaf (rice dish popular in many parts of the world, including Xinjiang); pilau
拉葫芦 shǒu lā hú lu hand chain pulley block
拉葫蘆 shǒu lā hú lu hand chain pulley block
拉车 shǒu lā chē cart