HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 54th character |
RADICAL | ⼾ (63.4) |
INDEX # | 1164 |
place, location; numerary adjunct
- place, location
- numerary adjunct
- actually
- place
- classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc
- that which
- particle introducing a relative clause or passive
- CL:個|个[ge4]

所以 suǒ yǐ | therefore; as a result; so; the reason why |
所有 suǒ yǒu | all; to have; to possess; to own |
厕所 cè suǒ | toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] |
无所谓 wú suǒ wèi | to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be |
场所 chǎng suǒ | location; place |
理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán | as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right |
众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī | as everyone knows (idiom); see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1] |
力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí | as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability; within one's powers |
有所 yǒu suǒ | somewhat; to some extent |
所谓 suǒ wèi | so-called; what is called |
事务所 shì wù suǒ | office; firm |
所在 suǒ zài | place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located |
诊所 zhěn suǒ | clinic |
一无所知 yī wú suǒ zhī | not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant; without an inkling |
所作所为 suǒ zuò suǒ wéi | one's conduct and deeds |
之所以 zhī suǒ yǐ | the reason why |
一无所有 yī wú suǒ yǒu | not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking; without two sticks to rub together |
住所 zhù suǒ | habitation; dwelling place; residence; CL:處|处[chu4] |
一无所获 yī wú suǒ huò | to gain nothing; to end up empty-handed |
随心所欲 suí xīn suǒ yù | to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases (idiom) |
避难所 bì nàn suǒ | refuge; asylum |
不知所措 bù zhī suǒ cuò | not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end; embarrassed and at a complete loss |
无所事事 wú suǒ shì shì | to have nothing to do; to idle one's time away (idiom) |
为所欲为 wéi suǒ yù wéi | to do whatever one pleases |
前所未有 qián suǒ wèi yǒu | unprecedented |