
door; family, household


戶 hù
  • a household
  • door
  • family


diàn hù tenant farmer
zhù hù household; inhabitant; householder
bǎo hù insurance policy holder
個體 gè tǐ hù self-employed; a private firm (PRC usage)
傍人門 bàng rén mén hù to be dependent upon sb
而立 bàng hù ér lì to stand close to the door
zhài hù debtor
chǔ hù (bank) depositor
儲蓄帳 chǔ xù zhàng hù savings account (in bank)
rù hù to obtain a residence permit
凈身出 jìng shēn chū hù to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)
包產到 bāo chǎn dào hù fixing of farm output quotas for each household
包產到制 bāo chǎn dào hù zhì system of quotas for farm output per household
千家萬 qiān jiā wàn hù every family (idiom)
吃大 chī dà hù to plunder the homes of the wealthy for food (in times of famine); (of sb who has no income) to rely on others; to demand a "contribution" or "loan" from a business or wealthy individual
名義賬 míng yì zhàng hù nominal bank account
shāng hù merchant; trader; businessman; firm
圖像用介面 tú xiàng yòng hù jiè miàn graphical user interface; GUI
圖形用界面 tú xíng yòng hù jiè miàn graphical user interface (GUI)
外 zài hù wài outdoors
口 bào hù kǒu to apply for residence; to register a birth
多用 duō yòng hù multiuser
夜不閉 yè bù bì hù lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
dà hù great family; rich family; large landlord; conspicuous spender or consumer
cún hù depositor (in bank or shares)
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