
war, fighting, battle


戰 zhàn
  • to fight
  • fight
  • war
  • battle


丁卯爭 dīng mǎo zhàn zhēng first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627)
不列顛保衛 bù liè diān bǎo wèi zhàn see 不列顛戰役|不列颠战役[Bu4 lie4 dian1 Zhan4 yi4])
不列顛役 bù liè diān zhàn yì Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)
不宣而 bù xuān ér zhàn open hostilities without declaring war; start an undeclared war
不惜一 bù xī yī zhàn to be ready to go to war
不和 bù zhàn bù hé neither war nor peace
世界大 shì jiè dà zhàn world war
丙子爭 bǐng zǐ zhàn zhēng second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)
中法爭 zhōng fǎ zhàn zhēng Sino-French War (1883-1885) (concerning French seizure of Vietnam)
中越爭 zhōng yuè zhàn zhēng the Sino-Vietnamese War, fought between the PRC and Vietnam in 1979; also known as the Third Indochina War
中途島役 zhōng tú dǎo zhàn yì Battle of Midway, June 1942
派 zhǔ zhàn pài the pro-war faction; hawks
èr zhàn World War II
二次世界大 èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn World War Two
二次大 èr cì dà zhàn World War Two
jiāo zhàn to fight; to wage war
人海術 rén hǎi zhàn shù (military) human wave attack
伊斯蘭聖組織 yī sī lán shèng zhàn zǔ zhī Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)
xiū zhàn armistice
zuò zhàn combat; to fight
失蹤 zuò zhàn shī zōng see 作戰失蹤人員|作战失踪人员[zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1 ren2 yuan2]
失蹤人員 zuò zhàn shī zōng rén yuán missing in action (MIA) (military)
侵略爭 qīn lüè zhàn zhēng war of aggression
保證破壞略 bǎo zhèng pò huài zhàn lüè assured destruction strategy
tíng zhàn armistice; cease fire
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