HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1033rd character |
RADICAL | ⼽ (62.2) |
INDEX # | 584 |
theatrical play, show
- theatrical play, show
- variant of 戲|戏[xi4]
- trick
- drama
- play
- show
- CL:齣|出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2]

游戏 yóu xì | game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play |
戏剧 xì jù | drama; play; theater |
演戏 yǎn xì | to put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign |
马戏团 mǎ xì tuán | circus |
把戏 bǎ xì | acrobatics; jugglery; cheap trick; game |
没戏 méi xì | (coll.) not a chance; no way; hopeless |
戏剧性 xì jù xìng | dramatic |
游戏机 yóu xì jī | video game; game machine |
戏院 xì yuàn | theater |
戏弄 xì nòng | to play tricks on; to make fun of; to tease |
电子游戏 diàn zǐ yóu xì | computer and video games |
调戏 tiáo xì | to take liberties with a woman; to dally; to assail a woman with obscenities |
戏法 xì fǎ | magic trick |
儿戏 ér xì | child's play; trifling matter |
嬉戏 xī xì | to frolic; to romp |
马戏 mǎ xì | circus |
拍戏 pāi xì | to shoot a movie |
独角戏 dú jiǎo xì | monodrama; one-man show; comic talk |
变戏法 biàn xì fǎ | to perform conjuring tricks; to conjure; to juggle |
戏码 xì mǎ | item (on a program) |
重头戏 zhòng tóu xì | opera (or role) involving much singing and action; (fig.) highlight; main feature; major activity |
鬼把戏 guǐ bǎ xì | sinister plot; dirty trick; cheap trick |
戏票 xì piào | (theater etc) ticket |
戏谑 xì xuè | to banter; to crack jokes; to ridicule |
戏耍 xì shuǎ | to amuse oneself; to play with; to tease |