
resent, hate; indignant


  • resent, hate
  • indignant
  • indignant
  • anger
  • resentment


不啟 bù fèn bù qǐ a student shall not be enlightened until he has tried hard by himself (idiom)
gōng fèn public anger; popular indignation
yuàn fèn resentment and indignation
bēi fèn grief and indignation
gǎn fèn moved to anger; indignant
世嫉俗 fèn shì jí sú to be cynical; to be embittered
富 fèn fù to hate the rich
怒 fèn nù angry; indignant; wrath; ire
恨 fèn hèn to hate; hatred; to resent; embittered
慨 fèn kǎi to resent; resentment
fèn fèn extremely angry
不平 fèn fèn bù píng to feel indignant; to feel aggrieved
懣 fèn mèn depressed; resentful; discontented; indignant; perturbed
激 fèn jī indignant; outraged
然 fèn rán (literary) angry; irate
青 fèn qīng angry youth; positive term used to describe young Chinese with extreme nationalistic tendencies; see also 糞青|粪青[fen4 qing1]
qì fèn indignant; furious
xiè fèn to give vent to anger
洩私 xiè sī fèn to vent personal spite; to act out of malice (esp. of crime)
jī fèn to stir up emotions; furious; angry; anger
fā fèn to make a determined effort
圖強 fā fèn tú qiáng to be strongly determined to succeed (idiom)
忘食 fā fèn wàng shí so dedicated as to forget one's meals (idiom)
sī fèn personal spite; malice
jī fèn accumulated anger; pent-up fury
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