
hate, detest, abhor; hatred



  • hate, detest, abhor
  • hatred
  • to detest


憎 stroke order diagram
憎 stroke order animation


恨 zēng hèn to detest; hatred
恶 zēng è to hate evil; see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 wu4]
恶 zēng wù to loathe; to hate; to abhor; see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]
kě zēng disgusting
面目可 miàn mù kě zēng repulsive countenance; disgusting appearance
分明 ài zēng fēn míng to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates; to have well-defined likes and dislikes
ài zēng love and hate
ài zēng love and hate
分明 ài zēng fēn míng to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates; to have well-defined likes and dislikes
厌 zēng yàn to loathe
厭 zēng yàn to loathe
惡 zēng è to hate evil; see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 wu4]
惡 zēng wù to loathe; to hate; to abhor; see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]
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