be concerned, worry about


慮 lǜ
  • to think over
  • to consider
  • anxiety


不足為 bù zú wéi lǜ to give no cause for anxiety; nothing to worry about
人無遠,必有近憂 rén wú yuǎn lǜ , bì yǒu jìn yōu He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects).; Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.
充分考 chōng fèn kǎo lǜ to give sufficient consideration to
一失 qiān lǜ yī shī reflect a thousand times and you can still make a mistake (idiom); to err is human
一得 qiān lǜ yī dé a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck.
kě lǜ worrisome
安全考 ān quán kǎo lǜ security consideration
廣泛性焦症 guǎng fàn xìng jiāo lǜ zhèng generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
sī lǜ to think sth through; to consider carefully
病症 lǜ bìng zhèng hypochondria
yōu lǜ to worry; anxiety (about)
yōu lǜ (feel) anxiety; concern
guà lǜ to worry about
智者千,必有一失 zhì zhě qiān lǜ , bì yǒu yī shī lit. a wise person reflecting a thousand times can still make a mistake (idiom); fig. nobody is infallible
朝不夕 zhāo bù lǜ xī at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state; imminent crisis; living from hand to mouth
杞天之 qǐ tiān zhī lǜ man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears
殫精極 dān jīng jí lǜ to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly; to rack one's brains; to leave no stone unturned
殫精竭 dān jīng jié lǜ to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly; to rack one's brains; to leave no stone unturned
深思熟 shēn sī shú lǜ mature reflection; after careful deliberations
深謀遠 shēn móu yuǎn lǜ lit. deep plans and distant thoughts; to plan far ahead (idiom)
yuān lǜ profound thoughts or ideas
dí lǜ to free the mind from worries
無思無 wú sī wú lǜ (idiom) carefree; untroubled
無憂無 wú yōu wú lǜ carefree and without worries (idiom)
jiāo lǜ anxious; worried; apprehensive
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