
habit, custom; habitually, usually


  • habit, custom
  • habitually, usually
  • accustomed to
  • used to
  • indulge
  • to spoil (a child)


使習 shǐ xí guàn to accustom
司空見 sī kōng jiàn guàn a common occurrence (idiom)
jiāo guàn to pamper; to coddle; to spoil
嬌生養 jiāo shēng guàn yǎng pampered and spoiled since childhood
例 guàn lì convention; usual practice
偷 guàn tōu habitual thief
壞 guàn huài to spoil (a child)
家 guàn jia (usually derog.) an old hand at sth
常 guàn cháng usual; customary
性 guàn xìng (physics) inertia; (fig.) force of habit; tendency to do things in the accustomed way; habitual
性系 guàn xìng xì inertial system; inertial frame (mechanics)
犯 guàn fàn recidivist; habitual criminal
用 guàn yòng to use habitually; habitual; customary
用手 guàn yòng shǒu dominant hand
用語 guàn yòng yǔ commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage
竊 guàn qiè habitual thief
賊 guàn zéi habitual thief
量 guàn liàng inertia (mechanics)
養 guàn yǎng to spoil; to indulge sb (usu. a child)
看不 kàn bu guàn cannot bear to see; to hate; to dislike; to disapprove
看不習 kàn bù xí guàn unfamiliar
kàn guàn to be used to the sight of
xí guàn habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to; CL:個|个[ge4]
性 xí guàn xìng customary
成自然 xí guàn chéng zì rán habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature
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