
honorific for 'you'

HSK 2 #726


  • honorific for 'you'
  • you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])



好 nín hǎo hello (polite)
回复 qǐng nín huí fù repondez s'il vous plait; R.S.V.P.; please reply
回復 qǐng nín huí fù repondez s'il vous plait; R.S.V.P.; please reply
謝謝 xiè xiè nín thank you
谢谢 xiè xiè nín thank you (polite form)
zhù nín wish you
告诉 gào sù nín tell you; the polite form of saying that one will inform or notify the listener
谢谢 xiè xie nín thank you (polite form addressing someone with respect)
感谢 gǎn xiè nín thank you; express gratitude to you
歡迎 huān yíng nín welcome you; a polite greeting to welcome someone
发给 fā gěi nín send to you; deliver to you
給 nín gěi you give
欢迎 huān yíng nín welcome you; a polite expression used to welcome someone
建议 jiàn yì nín recommendation to you; suggest to you
們好 nín men hǎo hello everyone (polite form); a greeting that is a respectful and polite way to say hello to multiple people, especially in formal contexts
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