
afraid, scared, frightened



  • afraid, scared, frightened
  • frightened


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然 sǒng rán frightened; terrified
毛骨然 máo gǔ sǒng rán to have one's hair stand on end (idiom); to feel one's blood run cold
科技惊 kē jì jīng sǒng techno-thriller (novel); science fiction thriller
科技驚 kē jì jīng sǒng techno-thriller (novel); science fiction thriller
科技惊小说 kē jì jīng sǒng xiǎo shuō techno-thriller novel; science fiction thriller
科技驚小說 kē jì jīng sǒng xiǎo shuō techno-thriller novel; science fiction thriller
zhèn sǒng (literary) to tremble with fear; to shock
jīng sǒng horror (movie); thriller
jīng sǒng horror (movie); thriller
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