indulge oneself, unrestrained



  • indulge oneself, unrestrained
  • to abandon restraint
  • to do as one pleases
  • comfortable (dialect)


恣 stroke order diagram
恣 stroke order animation


意 zì yì without restraint; unbridled; reckless
意妄为 zì yì wàng wéi to behave unscrupulously
情 zì qíng to indulge in something to one's heart's content; wanton or willful
意妄為 zì yì wàng wéi to behave unscrupulously
意行乐 zì yì xíng lè to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)
意行樂 zì yì xíng lè to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)
欲 zì yù to follow lustful desires
肆 zì sì unrestrained; unbridled; free and unrestrained (style); bold
行无忌 zì xíng wú jì to behave recklessly
行無忌 zì xíng wú jì to behave recklessly
kuáng zì arrogant and unbridled
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