zhì shì

rely on, presume on, trust to



恃 shì
  • to rely on
  • mother (formal)


恃 stroke order diagram
恃 stroke order animation


强凌弱 shì qiáng líng ruò see 恃強欺弱|恃强欺弱[shi4 qiang2 qi1 ruo4]
zì shì self-esteem; self-reliance; overconfident; conceited
无恐 yǒu shì wú kǒng secure in the knowledge that one has backing
zhàng shì to rely on; to depend on
kě shì reliable
shī shì to lose sb one relies upon; to lose one's mother
hù shì to rely on; father and mother (classical)
強凌弱 shì qiáng líng ruò see 恃強欺弱|恃强欺弱[shi4 qiang2 qi1 ruo4]
强欺弱 shì qiáng qī ruò to use one's strength to mistreat people (idiom); to bully
強欺弱 shì qiáng qī ruò to use one's strength to mistreat people (idiom); to bully
才傲物 shì cái ào wù to be inordinately proud of one's ability; to be conceited and contemptuous (idiom)
píng shì to depend on; to rely on
píng shì to depend on; to rely on
無恐 yǒu shì wú kǒng secure in the knowledge that one has backing
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