HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 775th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.5) |
INDEX # | 1271 |
strange, unusual, peculiar
- strange, unusual, peculiar
- bewildering
- odd
- strange
- uncanny
- devil
- monster
- to wonder at
- to blame
- quite
- rather
- variant of 怪[guai4]

奇怪 qí guài | strange; odd; to marvel; to be baffled |
难怪 nán guài | (it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that) |
怪不得 guài bu de | no wonder!; so that's why! |
古怪 gǔ guài | eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer |
责怪 zé guài | to blame; to rebuke |
怪物 guài wu | monster; freak; eccentric person |
怪异 guài yì | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon |
怪兽 guài shòu | rare animal; mythical animal; monster |
怪人 guài rén | strange person; eccentric |
怪胎 guài tāi | freak; abnormal embryo; fetus with deformity |
大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài | to make a fuss about nothing (idiom) |
怪事 guài shì | strange thing; curious occurrence |
妖怪 yāo guài | monster; devil |
怪罪 guài zuì | to blame |
丑八怪 chǒu bā guài | ugly person |
错怪 cuò guài | to blame sb wrongly |
怪癖 guài pǐ | eccentricity; peculiarity; strange hobby |
鬼怪 guǐ guài | hobgoblin; bogey; phantom |
作怪 zuò guài | (of a ghost) to make strange things happen; to act up; to act behind the scenes; to make mischief; odd; to misbehave (euphemism for having sex) |
怪诞 guài dàn | freak; weird |
怪味 guài wèi | strange odor |
稀奇古怪 xī qí gǔ guài | crazy; bizarre; weird; fantastic; strange |
见怪 jiàn guài | to mind; to take offense |
怪圈 guài quān | vicious circle; (abnormal) phenomenon |
见怪不怪 jiàn guài bù guài | to keep one's calm in the face of the unexpected; not to wonder at strange sights |