
nature, character, sex

HSK 4 #122


性 xìng
  • nature
  • character
  • property
  • quality
  • attribute
  • sexuality
  • sex
  • gender
  • suffix forming adjective from verb
  • suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity
  • essence
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


性 stroke order diagram
性 stroke order animation


lǐ xìng reason; rationality; rational
yáng xìng positive; masculine
欲 xìng yù sexual desire; lust
tiān xìng nature; innate tendency
戏剧 xì jù xìng dramatic
dú xìng toxicity
yīn xìng negative; feminine
biàn xìng to denature; denaturation; to have a sex change; transsexual
一次 yī cì xìng one-off (offer); one-time; single-use; disposable (goods)
重要 zhòng yào xìng importance
gǎn xìng perception; perceptual; sensibility; sensitive; emotional; sentimental
tóng xìng same nature; homosexual
放射 fàng shè xìng radioactive
创造 chuàng zào xìng creativeness; creativity
病 xìng bìng sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease
永久 yǒng jiǔ xìng permanent
yě xìng wild nature; unruliness
历史 lì shǐ xìng historic
jí xìng acute
标志 biāo zhì xìng iconic
决定 jué dìng xìng decisive; conclusive
tè xìng property; characteristic
xióng xìng male
建设 jiàn shè xìng constructive; constructiveness
毁灭 huǐ miè xìng destructive; devastating