quick, quickly; urgent, pressing

HSK 3 #657


  • quick, quickly
  • urgent, pressing
  • urgent
  • pressing
  • rapid
  • hurried
  • worried
  • to make (sb) anxious


急 stroke order diagram
急 stroke order animation


状态 jǐn jí zhuàng tài state of emergency
十万火 shí wàn huǒ jí most urgent; posthaste; express
败坏 qì jí bài huài flustered and exasperated; utterly discomfited
性子 jí xìng zi impetuous person; excitable person
转直下 jí zhuǎn zhí xià to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change
匆匆 jí cōng cōng hurried; hasty
jiā jí to become more urgent; more rapid; urgent; to handle a matter urgently
迫 jí pò urgent; pressing; imperative
用 jí yòng to need sth urgently; urgently required
xìng jí impatient
流 jí liú torrent
不可待 jí bù kě dài impatient; eager to; anxious to
轻重缓 qīng zhòng huǎn jí slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first; sense of priority
忙忙 jí jí máng máng hurriedly
刹车 jí shā chē emergency braking
qíng jí anxious
不可耐 jí bù kě nài unable to wait
tuān jí rapid (flow of water)
中生智 jí zhōng shēng zhì quick witted in an emergency; able to react resourcefully
智 jí zhì quick witted; able to think fast in an emergency
gào jí to be in a state of emergency; to report an emergency; to ask for emergency assistance
救站 jí jiù zhàn emergency desk; first aid office
行军 jí xíng jūn rapid advance; forced march
燃眉之 rán méi zhī jí lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation; extreme emergency
干着 gān zháo jí to worry helplessly