
what? why? how?

HSK 1 #382


  • what? why? how?
  • how


怎 stroke order diagram
怎 stroke order animation


麼搞的 zěn me gǎo de How did it happen?; What's wrong?; What went wrong?; What's up?
麼樣 zěn me yàng how?; how about?; how was it?; how are things?
麼著 zěn me zhāo what?; how?; how about?; whatever; also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5]
么说呢 zěn me shuō ne Why is that?; How come?
麼說呢 zěn me shuō ne Why is that?; How come?
麼辦 zěn me bàn what's to be done
麽 zěn me how?; what?; why?; variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
麽了 zěn me le What's up?; What's going on?; What happened?; variant of 怎麼了|怎么了[zen3 me5 le5]