
purpose, will, determination; annals


  • purpose, will, determination
  • annals
  • aspiration
  • ambition
  • the will
  • sign
  • mark
  • to record
  • to write a footnote


志 stroke order diagram
志 stroke order animation


玩物丧 wán wù sàng zhì lit. trifling destroys the will (idiom); infatuation with fine details prevents one making progress; excessive attention to trivia saps the will
成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)
dà zhì high aims
愿军 zhì yuàn jūn volunteer army
lì zhì to encourage; encouragement
líng zhì Lexus; see also 雷克薩斯|雷克萨斯[Lei2 ke4 sa4 si1]
明 hú zhì míng Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader; see also 胡志明市[Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 Shi4]
工 zhì gōng volunteer
明市 hú zhì míng shì Ho Chi Minh City a.k.a. Saigon, Vietnam
踌躇满 chóu chú mǎn zhì enormously proud of one's success (idiom); smug; complacent
胸无大 xiōng wú dà zhì to have no aspirations (idiom); unambitious
sàng zhì to become demoralized; to lose one's sense of purpose
bǎo zhì Baozhi, or Pao-chih, Chinese monk (418–514), also known as 保誌|保志 or 誌公|志公
yǒu zhì to be ambitious
shǐ zhì to take an oath to do sth; to pledge; to vow
祥 luó zhì xiáng Luo Zhixiang or Show Luo or Alan Luo (1979-), Taiwanese pop star
豪情壮 háo qíng zhuàng zhì lofty ideals; noble aspirations
三国 sān guó zhì History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Chen Shou 陳壽|陈寿[Chen2 Shou4] in 289 during Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝[Jin4 chao2], 65 scrolls
三國 sān guó zhì History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Chen Shou 陳壽|陈寿[Chen2 Shou4] in 289 during Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝[Jin4 chao2], 65 scrolls
不以词害 bù yǐ cí hài zhì don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say
不以辞害 bù yǐ cí hài zhì don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say
不以辭害 bù yǐ cí hài zhì don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say
中国人民愿军 zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jūn the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950
中國人民願軍 zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jūn the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950
交通标 jiāo tōng biāo zhì traffic sign