jealous, envious; fear

HSK 6 #1922


  • jealous, envious
  • fear
  • to be jealous of
  • fear
  • dread
  • scruple
  • to avoid or abstain from
  • to quit
  • to give up sth


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諱 jì huì taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from
性禁 xìng jìn jì sexual taboo
恣行无 zì xíng wú jì to behave recklessly
恣行無 zì xíng wú jì to behave recklessly
jiè jì a taboo; to avoid sth (as taboo)
投鼠器 tóu shǔ jì qì lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom); to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents
jū jì to have scruples; to have misgivings
无所畏 wú suǒ wèi jì without any fear of consequences; totally devoid of scruples
無所畏 wú suǒ wèi jì without any fear of consequences; totally devoid of scruples
fàn jì to violate a taboo
赛马 tián jì sài mǎ Tian Ji races his horses (and accepts one loss in order to ensure two wins) (idiom)
賽馬 tián jì sài mǎ Tian Ji races his horses (and accepts one loss in order to ensure two wins) (idiom)
wèi jì to be arrested by fear; restraint; scruple
yí jì jealousy; suspicious and jealous
百無禁 bǎi wú jìn jì all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes; nothing is taboo
语 jìn jì yǔ taboo language
語 jìn jì yǔ taboo language
童言無 tóng yán wú jì children's words carry no harm (idiom)
肆無憚 sì wú jì dàn absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple
讳疾医 huì jí jì yī hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice
諱疾醫 huì jí jì yī hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice
bì jì to avoid as taboo
长孙无 zhǎng sūn wú jì Zhangsun Wuji (c. 594-659), politician and historian of early Tang
長孫無 zhǎng sūn wú jì Zhangsun Wuji (c. 594-659), politician and historian of early Tang
gù jì to have misgivings; apprehension; worry; qualm; scruple