
penetrate, pervade; penetrating


  • penetrate, pervade
  • penetrating
  • thorough
  • penetrating
  • to pervade
  • to pass through


qīn chè (of a projectile) to penetrate (armor etc)
克賴斯特奇 kè lài sī tè chè qí Christchurch (New Zealand city)
jiǒng chè bright and easily understood; clear; transparent
kǎi chè variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor)
大悟 dà chè dà wù to achieve supreme enlightenment or nirvana (Buddhism)
夜 chè yè the whole night
夜不眠 chè yè bù mián to be sleepless all night
底 chè dǐ thorough; thoroughly; complete
底失敗 chè dǐ shī bài utter failure
悟 chè wù fully aware; to recognize fully
查 chè chá to investigate thoroughly
西 chè xī Chelsea, suburb of London; Chelsea football club
尾 chè tóu chè wěi lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoroughgoing; through and through; out and out; from top to bottom
骨 chè gǔ to the bone; to the marrow; fig. to a very large degree
kǎi chè variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor) used by Yan Fu 嚴復|严复
達爾 sī chè dá ěr Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway)
斯特 màn chè sī tè Manchester
斯特編碼 màn chè sī tè biān mǎ Manchester encoding
qīng chè variant of 清澈[qing1 che4]
chéng chè variant of 澄澈[cheng2 che4]
斯特 luó chè sī tè Rochester
薩斯喀溫 sà sī kā chè wēn Saskatchewan province, Canada
guàn chè to implement; to put into practice; to carry out
始終 guàn chè shǐ zhōng to follow through; to carry through to the end
tòu chè penetrating; thorough; incisive
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