ethics, morality, virtue

HSK 5 #256


  • ethics, morality, virtue
  • Germany
  • German
  • abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
  • virtue
  • goodness
  • morality
  • ethics
  • kindness
  • favor
  • character
  • kind
  • variant of 德[de2]


德 stroke order diagram
德 stroke order animation


拉 màn dé lā Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), South African ANC politician, president of South Africa 1994-1999
劳埃 láo āi dé Lloyd (name); Lloyd's (London-based insurance group)
斯 sāng dé sī Sanders (name); Bernie Sanders, United States Senator from Vermont and 2016 Presidential candidate
摩萨 mó sà dé Mossad
唐纳 táng nà dé Donald (name)
里 dé lǐ Delhi; New Delhi, capital of India; same as 新德里[Xin1 De2 li3]
克劳 kè láo dé Claude (name)
哥尔摩 sī dé gē ěr mó Stockholm, capital of Sweden
āi dé Ed (name - Eduard)
lù dé Luther (name); Martin Luther (1483-1546), reformation protestant minister
hǎi dé Hyde (surname)
穆罕默 mù hǎn mò dé Mohammed (c. 570-632), central figure of Islam and prophet of God
克劳福 kè láo fú dé Crawford (town in Texas)
烈 ān dé liè Andre (person name)
quē dé to be lacking in moral sense; to lack common basic respect for others; lacking in virtue; mischievous; wicked; cruel; mean
文 dé wén German (language)
萨 áo dé sà Odessa (city in Ukraine)
chá dé Chad (Tw)
卡桑拉 kǎ sāng dé lā Cassandra (given name); Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)
川 dé chuān Tokugawa, the ruling clan of Japan from 1550-1850
zhēn dé Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English; also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan
利 dá dé lì Dudley (name)
léi dé Clark T. Randt Jr. (1945-), US ambassador to Beijing since 2001
加 āi dé jiā Edgar (name)
尔 fēi dé ěr Fidel (name)