
narrow path; diameter; direct


徑 jìng
  • footpath
  • track
  • diameter
  • straight
  • directly


yī jìng directly; straightaway; straight
zhōng jìng diameter
中毒途 zhōng dú tú jìng poisoning route
zè jìng narrow path
tù jìng narrow winding path
nèi jìng internal diameter
jiǎn jìng to waylay and rob; highway robbery
bàn jìng radius
wēi jìng steep and perilous path
原子半 yuán zǐ bàn jìng atomic radius
kǒu jìng caliber; diameter of opening
另闢蹊 lìng pì xī jìng to take an alternate route (idiom); to find an alternative; to take a different approach; to blaze a new trail
周三一 zhōu sān jìng yī circumference of a circle is proverbially three times its radius
國際田聯合會 guó jì tián jìng lián hé huì International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF); abbr. to 國際田聯|国际田联[Guo2 ji4 Tian2 Lian2]
tú jìng path; road
wài jìng external diameter (including thickness of the wall)
大口 dà kǒu jìng large caliber
大相庭 dà xiāng jìng tíng as different as can be (idiom); poles apart
kǒng jìng diameter of hole
對口 duì kǒu jìng to arrange to give the same story
xiǎo jìng alley
yán jìng mountain path
yōu jìng secluded path
向 jìng xiàng radial (direction)
庭 jìng tíng completely different
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