slowly, quietly, calmly; composed, dignified



  • slowly, quietly, calmly
  • composed, dignified
  • surname Xu
  • slowly
  • gently


徐 stroke order diagram
徐 stroke order animation


水 xú shuǐ Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
水县 xú shuǐ xiàn Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
水縣 xú shuǐ xiàn Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
渭 xú wèi Xu Wei, Chinese painter
熙媛 xú xī yuán Barbie Hsu (1976-), Taiwanese entertainer, nicknamed 大S
祯卿 xú zhēn qīng Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子
禎卿 xú zhēn qīng Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子
福 xú fú Xu Fu (3rd century BC), Qin dynasty court necromancer
缓 xú huǎn slow; sluggish; lazily; to slow down
緩 xú huǎn slow; sluggish; lazily; to slow down
继畲 xú jì yú Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer
繼畬 xú jì yú Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer
闻 xú wén Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong
聞 xú wén Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong
闻县 xú wén xiàn Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong
聞縣 xú wén xiàn Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong
行 xú xíng to walk slowly; to stroll
铉 xú xuàn Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentaries on Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字註|说文解字注[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4 Zhu4]
鉉 xú xuàn Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentaries on Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字註|说文解字注[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4 Zhu4]
霞客 xú xiá kè Xu Xiake (1587-1641), Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer, author of Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries 徐霞客遊記|徐霞客游记[Xu2 Xia2 ke4 You2 ji4]
霞客游记 xú xiá kè yóu jì Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客[Xu2 Xia2 ke4] on geology, geography, plants etc
霞客遊記 xú xiá kè yóu jì Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客[Xu2 Xia2 ke4] on geology, geography, plants etc
林则 lín zé xú Lin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu "Commissioner Lin" (1785-1850), Qing official whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842
林則 lín zé xú Lin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu "Commissioner Lin" (1785-1850), Qing official whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842
qīng xú Qingxu county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi