
bend, curve


  • bend, curve
  • to bend
  • bent
  • a bend
  • a turn (in the road etc)
  • CL:道[dao4]


U形轉 u xíng zhuǎn wān U-turn
存水 cún shuǐ wān trap (plumbing); U-bend
嘴濱鷸 wān zuǐ bīn yù (bird species of China) curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
子 wān zi bend; turn; curve
wān wān Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger and cartoonist
曲曲 wān wān qū qū curved; meandering; zigzagging
折 wān zhé to bend
曲 wān qū to bend; to curve around; curved; crooked; to wind; to warp
曲度 wān qū dù camber; curvature
曲空間 wān qū kōng jiān curved space
月形透鏡 wān yuè xíng tòu jìng meniscus lens
液面 wān yè miàn meniscus (physics)
男 wān nán gay guy
管麵 wān guǎn miàn elbow pasta
腰 wān yāo to stoop
腰駝背 wān yāo tuó bèi slouch; stoop; poor posture
角 wān jiǎo corner; bend; curve
路 wān lù winding road; roundabout route; detour; (fig.) wrong way (of doing sth)
道 wān dào winding road; road curve
道超車 wān dào chāo chē to overtake on a bend (driving); (fig.) taking opportunity of tight corners to make swift progress (economy etc)
急轉 jí zhuǎn wān to make a sudden turn
guǎi wān to go round a curve; to turn a corner; fig. a new direction
兒 guǎi wān r erhua variant of 拐彎|拐弯[guai3 wan1]
抹角 guǎi wān mò jiǎo lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom); fig. to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush
處 guǎi wān chù corner; bend
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