extensive, full; fill; complete


彌 mí
  • full
  • to fill
  • completely
  • more
  • brimming or overflowing


安魂撒 ān hún mí sa Requiem Mass (Catholic)
勒 mí lè Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan; Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
勒佛 mí lè fó Maitreya; the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
勒縣 mí lè xiàn Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
勒菩薩 mí lè pú sà Maitreya Bodhisattva
合 mí hé to cause a wound to close up and heal
天 mí tiān filling the entire sky; covering everything (of fog, crime, disaster etc)
天大謊 mí tiān dà huǎng a pack of lies (idiom)
封 mí fēng to sign across the seal (as a precaution against fraud)
撒 mí sa (Catholic) Mass
散 mí sàn to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)
月 mí yuè full moon; first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month)
望 mí wàng a full view
渡 mí dù Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
渡縣 mí dù xiàn Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
滿 mí mǎn to be full
漫 mí màn to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present; about to inundate (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc); variant of 彌漫|弥漫[mi2 man4]
留 mí liú seriously ill and about to die
留之際 mí liú zhī jì on one's deathbed; at the point of death
縫 mí féng to cover up mistakes or crimes; to stitch up; to fix
蒙 mí méng impenetrable thick fog or smoke
補 mí bǔ to complement; to make up for a deficiency
賽亞 mí sài yà Messiah
足珍貴 mí zú zhēn guì extremely precious; valuable
迦書 mí jiā shū Book of Micah
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