dàn tán

pellet, bullet, shot, shell


彈 dàn
  • crossball
  • bullet
  • shot
  • shell
  • ball
彈 tán
  • to pluck (a string)
  • to play (a string instrument)
  • to spring or leap
  • to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)
  • (of cotton) to fluff or tease
  • to flick
  • to flip
  • to accuse
  • to impeach
  • elastic (of materials)


殼 dàn ké ammunition case
片 dàn piàn shrapnel; splinter from shell
牙 tán yá al dente
珠 dàn zhū marbles
珠檯 dàn zhū tái pinball
球 tán qiú to play marbles
球盤 tán qiú pán pachinko
琴 tán qín to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
痕 dàn hén bullet hole; shell hole
痕累累 dàn hén lěi lěi bullet-riddled
盡援絕 dàn jìn yuán jué out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits
盡糧絕 dàn jìn liáng jué out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits
窗 tán chuāng pop-up window (computing)
簧 tán huáng spring
簧刀 tán huáng dāo flick knife; switchblade; spring-loaded knife
簧墊圈 tán huáng diàn quān spring washer
簧秤 tán huáng chèng spring balance
簧鎖 tán huáng suǒ spring lock
簧門 tán huáng mén swing door
糾 tán jiū to accuse; to impeach
舌 tán shé to cluck; to trill
花 tán huā to soften cotton fiber by fluffing
藥 dàn yào ammunition
藥庫 dàn yào kù ammunition dump
藥補給站 dàn yào bǔ jǐ zhàn ammunition depot