dàn tán

pellet, bullet, shot, shell


彈 dàn
  • crossball
  • bullet
  • shot
  • shell
  • ball
彈 tán
  • to pluck (a string)
  • to play (a string instrument)
  • to spring or leap
  • to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)
  • (of cotton) to fluff or tease
  • to flick
  • to flip
  • to accuse
  • to impeach
  • elastic (of materials)


Q q tán (of a food's mouthfeel) springy; firm; al dente
指頃 yī tán zhǐ qǐng a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye
中子 zhōng zǐ dàn neutron bomb
zhòng dàn hit by a bullet; shot
琴 luàn tán qín to talk nonsense; to behave like a fool
催淚 cuī lèi dàn tear bomb; tear-gas grenade
內爆法原子 nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn implosion atomic bomb
一星 liǎng dàn yī xīng (China's achievements of) producing an atomic bomb (1964) and hydrogen bomb (1967) and launching a satellite into space (1970)
凝固汽油 níng gù qì yóu dàn napalm
dòng tan to budge
不得 dòng tan bu dé to be unable to move a single step
化學藥 huà xué dàn yào chemical ammunition
化學航 huà xué háng dàn chemical bomb
kǎ dàn to jam (rifle)
原子 yuán zǐ dàn atom bomb; atomic bomb; A-bomb
原子爆 yuán zǐ bào dàn atom bomb
原子爆破藥 yuán zǐ bào pò dàn yào atomic demolition munition
反導導 fǎn dǎo dǎo dàn anti-missile missile (such as the Patriot Missile)
反導 fǎn dǎo dàn anti-missile
fǎn tán to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions
fǎn dàn dǎo dàn antimissile missile
反艦導 fǎn jiàn dǎo dàn anti-ship missile
反艦艇巡航導 fǎn jiàn tǐng xún háng dǎo dàn anti-ship cruise missile
嗡嗡 wēng wēng dàn buzzing bomb
huí tán (of sth that has been deformed) to spring back to original shape; (fig.) to rebound; to bounce back
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