not, negative



  • not, negative
  • not


弗 stroke order diagram
弗 stroke order animation


里・乔叟 jié fú lǐ ・ qiáo sǒu Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集[Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 Gu4 shi4 Ji2]
里・喬叟 jié fú lǐ ・ qiáo sǒu Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集[Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 Gu4 shi4 Ji2]
凯茜・里曼 kǎi xī ・ fú lǐ màn Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter
凱茜・里曼 kǎi xī ・ fú lǐ màn Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter
土拉氏菌 tǔ lā fú shì jūn Francisella tularensis
顿 āi fú dùn Everton (town in northwest England); Everton soccer team
頓 āi fú dùn Everton (town in northwest England); Everton soccer team
希尔瑟姆 xī ěr fú sè mǔ Hilversum, city in Netherlands
希爾瑟姆 xī ěr fú sè mǔ Hilversum, city in Netherlands
吉尼亞 fú jí ní yà variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州; Virginia, US state
吉尼亞州 fú jí ní yà zhōu Virginia, US state
州 fú zhōu Virginia, US state; abbr. for 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州[Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4 zhou1]
爱 fú ài phi (Greek letter Φφ)
愛 fú ài phi (Greek letter Φφ)
拉基米爾 fú lā jī mǐ ěr Vladimir
拉芒 fú lā máng Flemish, inhabitant of Flanders (Belgium)
朗索瓦・霍兰德 fú lǎng suǒ wǎ ・ huò lán dé François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017; also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2]
朗索瓦・霍蘭德 fú lǎng suǒ wǎ ・ huò lán dé François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, president of France 2012-2017; also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2]
氏鸥 fú shì ōu (bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
氏鷗 fú shì ōu (bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
洛伦蒂诺・佩雷斯 fú luò lún dì nuò ・ pèi léi sī Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish businessman and president of Real Madrid football club
洛倫蒂諾・佩雷斯 fú luò lún dì nuò ・ pèi léi sī Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish businessman and president of Real Madrid football club
洛勒斯岛 fú luò lēi sī dǎo Flores, Indonesia; also written 弗洛里斯島|弗洛里斯岛[Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3]
洛勒斯島 fú luò lēi sī dǎo Flores, Indonesia; also written 弗洛里斯島|弗洛里斯岛[Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3]
洛里斯岛 fú luò lǐ sī dǎo Flores, Indonesia; also written 弗洛勒斯島|弗洛勒斯岛[Fu2 luo4 lei1 si1 dao3]