
build, establish, erect, found

HSK 4 #244


  • build, establish, erect, found
  • to establish
  • to found
  • to set up
  • to build
  • to construct


建 stroke order diagram
建 stroke order animation


住房和城乡设部 zhù fáng hé chéng xiāng jiàn shè bù Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD); abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4 Jian4 bu4]
住房和城鄉設部 zhù fáng hé chéng xiāng jiàn shè bù Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD); abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4 Jian4 bu4]
nèi jiàn built-in
nèi jiàn built-in
八一军节 bā yī jiàn jūn jié see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2]
八一軍節 bā yī jiàn jūn jié see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2]
房 gòng jiàn fáng co-op owned house
zài jiàn to reconstruct; to build another
chuàng jiàn to found; to establish
者 chuàng jiàn zhě founder; creator
勤俭国 qín jiǎn jiàn guó to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
勤儉國 qín jiǎn jiàn guó to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
半封 bàn fēng jiàn semifeudal
半封半殖民地 bàn fēng jiàn bàn zhí mín dì semifeudal and semicolonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang)
豪 wú jiàn háo Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor, F4 band member
豪 wú jiàn háo Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor, F4 band member
tuán jiàn team building (abbr. for 團隊建設|团队建设[tuan2 dui4 jian4 she4]); building camaraderie within the Chinese Communist Youth League 中國共產主義青年團|中国共产主义青年团[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2]
tuán jiàn team building (abbr. for 團隊建設|团队建设[tuan2 dui4 jian4 she4]); building camaraderie within the Chinese Communist Youth League 中國共產主義青年團|中国共产主义青年团[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2]
tǔ jiàn civil engineering; same as 土木工程[tu3 mu4 gong1 cheng2]
jī jiàn capital construction (project); infrastructure
dà jiàn lunar month of 30 days; same as 大盡|大尽[da4 jin4]
安徽筑工业学院 ān huī jiàn zhù gōng yè xué yuàn Anhui University of Architecture
安徽築工業學院 ān huī jiàn zhù gōng yè xué yuàn Anhui University of Architecture
主 fēng jiàn zhǔ feudal ruler
主义 fēng jiàn zhǔ yì feudalism