



  • court
  • palace courtyard


廷 stroke order diagram
廷 stroke order animation


阿根 ā gēn tíng Argentina
gōng tíng court (of king or emperor)
jiào tíng the Papacy; the Vatican; the Church government; Holy See
kūn tíng Quentin (name)
cháo tíng court; imperial household; dynasty
西斯 xī sī tíng Sistine (Chapel); also written 西斯汀
芳 wǔ tíng fāng Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and lawyer
nèi tíng place at the imperial court, where emperor handled government affairs, gave orders etc
nèi tíng place at the imperial court, where emperor handled government affairs, gave orders etc
gōng tíng court (of king or emperor)
尉 tíng wèi Commandant of Justice in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
巴克图 tíng bā kè tú Timbuktoo (town and historical cultural center in Mali, a World Heritage site)
巴克圖 tíng bā kè tú Timbuktoo (town and historical cultural center in Mali, a World Heritage site)
布 tíng bù Thimphu, capital of Bhutan
试 tíng shì court examination, the top grade imperial exam
試 tíng shì court examination, the top grade imperial exam
玉 zhāng tíng yù Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史[Ming2 shi3] and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典[Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3]
玉 zhāng tíng yù Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史[Ming2 shi3] and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典[Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3]
大使 jiào tíng dà shǐ an ambassador of the church; an Apostolic Nuncio (from the Vatican)
qīng tíng the Qing court (as government of China)
罗马教 luó mǎ jiào tíng the Church (as Royal Court); the Holy See; the Vatican
羅馬教 luó mǎ jiào tíng the Church (as Royal Court); the Holy See; the Vatican
谢长 xiè cháng tíng Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005
謝長 xiè cháng tíng Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005
陆荣 lù róng tíng Lu Rongting (1858-1928), provincial governor of Guangxi under the Qing, subsequently leader of old Guangxi warlord faction
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