
to help, assist; to defend; shoe upper


幫 bāng
  • old variant of 幫|帮[bang1]
  • to help
  • to assist
  • to support
  • for sb (i.e. as a help)
  • hired (as worker)
  • side (of pail, boat etc)
  • outer layer
  • upper (of a shoe)
  • group
  • gang
  • clique
  • party
  • secret society


辦 bāng bàn assist in managing; deputy
閑 bāng xián to hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack work etc
dā bāng to travel together; thanks to
助 yǒu bāng zhù helpful
菜 běn bāng cài Shanghainese food
清紅 qīng hóng bāng traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons
qué bāng Crips (gang)
xiāng bāng to help one another; to aid
短衣 duǎn yī bāng lit. short jacket party; working people; the toiling masses; blue collar workers
穿 chuān bāng (TV or movie) blooper; continuity error; (theater) to flub one's lines; unintended exposure of a body part; to be exposed (of a scheme or trick); to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue; to blow one's cover
耐心助 nài xīn bāng zhù forbearance; tolerance; patient help
sāi bāng cheek; upper (of a shoe)
子 sāi bāng zi cheek
chuán bāng side of boat or ship; gunwale
xuè bāng Bloods, street gang in USA
越忙 yuè bāng yuè máng to be officious; to kibitz; to be meddlesome; to force one's help upon
青紅 qīng hóng bāng traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons
xié bāng uppers of a shoe
mǎ bāng caravan of horses carrying goods
gāo bāng high-top (shoes); ankle-high shoes
hēi bāng bunch of gangsters; criminal gang; organized crime syndicate
人 bāng rén help people; assist others