
belt, girdle, band, strap, zone


  • belt, girdle, band, strap, zone
  • band
  • belt
  • girdle
  • ribbon
  • tire
  • area
  • zone
  • region
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • to wear
  • to carry
  • to take along
  • to bear (i.e. to have)
  • to lead
  • to bring
  • to look after
  • to raise


hé dài cassette tape; abbr. for 盒式錄音磁帶|盒式录音磁带; CL:盤|盘[pan2]
盒式錄音磁 hé shì lù yīn cí dài cassette tape
pán dài (soccer) to dribble
石膏繃 shí gāo bēng dài plaster cast
cí dài magnetic tape; CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]
機 cí dài jī tape drive
gū dài strap; CL:條|条[tiao2]
粘皮骨 nián pí dài gǔ (old) (idiom) muddled; indecisive; plodding
niǔ dài tie; link; bond
zhǐ dài paper tape; ticker tape; paper streamer
suǒ dài cable tie; plastic strap
紫壽 zǐ shòu dài (bird species of China) Japanese paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata)
紮線 zā xiàn dài cable ties; zip ties
tāo dài silk ribbon; silk braid
sī dài ribbon
bǎng dài bandage; puttee
shòu dài ribbon (as a decoration); cordon (diagonal belt worn as a sign of office or honor)
duàn dài ribbon
縫合 fèng hé dài suture zone (geology)
bēng dài bandage (loanword)
shēng dài vocal cords; vocal folds; (motion picture) soundtrack
jiān dài shoulder strap; shoulder harness; shoulder belt; baldric; CL:條|条[tiao2]
bēi dài braces; suspenders; sling (for a rifle); straps (for a knapsack)
褲 bèi dài kù overalls
yāo dài belt