zhēn zhèng

picture, scroll; one of pair of



帧 zhēn
  • frame
  • classifier for paintings etc
  • Taiwan pr. [zheng4]


帧 stroke order diagram
帧 stroke order animation


zhuāng zhēn binding and layout (of a book etc)
司马承 sī mǎ chéng zhēn Sima Chengzhen (655-735), Daoist priest in Tang dynasty
中继 zhēn zhōng jì frame relay
格式 zhēn gé shì frame format
检验序列 zhēn jiǎn yàn xù liè frame check sequence (FCS)
率 zhēn lǜ frame rate
频 zhēn pín frame rate; frame frequency
首定界符 zhēn shǒu dìng jiè fú start frame delimiter (SFD)
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