silks, fabrics; wealth, property



  • silks, fabrics
  • wealth, property
  • silk


帛 stroke order diagram
帛 stroke order animation


化干戈为玉 huà gān gē wéi yù bó lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom); fig. to turn hostility into friendship
化干戈為玉 huà gān gē wéi yù bó lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom); fig. to turn hostility into friendship
bù bó cloth and silk; cotton and silk textiles
菽粟 bù bó shū sù cloth, silk, beans and grain; food and clothing; daily necessities
琉 bó liú Palau
画 bó huà painting on silk
畫 bó huà painting on silk
金 bó jīn traditional money gift at a funeral
zhú bó bamboo and silk writing materials (before paper)
cái bó wealth; money
cái bó wealth; money
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