HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1519th character |
RADICAL | ⼱ (50.5) |
INDEX # | 1110 |
turban, kerchief, veil; wrap
帕 pà |

帕特里克 pà tè lǐ kè | Patrick (name) |
手帕 shǒu pà | handkerchief; CL:方[fang1] |
卡帕 kǎ pà | kappa (Greek letter Κκ) |
帕斯卡 pà sī kǎ | Pascal (name); Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician |
帕金森 pà jīn sēn | Parkinson (name) |
帕特丽夏 pà tè lì xià | Patricia |
帕西 pà xī | Parsi; Farsi; Persian |
帕斯 pà sī | Perth, capital of Western Australia |
埃尔帕索 āi ěr pà suǒ | El Paso (Texas) |
帕尼尼 pà ní ní | (loanword) panini |
斯帕斯基 sī pà sī jī | Spassky (name) |
圣帕特里克 shèng pà tè lǐ kè | Saint Patrick |
坎帕拉 kǎn pà lā | Kampala, capital of Uganda |
拉斯帕尔马斯 lā sī pà ěr mǎ sī | Las Palmas, Spain |
加拉帕戈斯群岛 jiā lā pà gē sī qún dǎo | Galapagos Islands |
帕瓦蒂 pà wǎ dì | Parvati (the consort of Shiva) |
赫奇帕奇 hè qí pà qí | Hufflepuff (Harry Potter) |
帕夏 pà xià | pasha (loanword) |
帕特里夏 pà tè lǐ xià | Patricia |
帕格尼尼 pà gé ní ní | Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), Italian violinist and composer |
帕米尔 pà mǐ ěr | Pamir high plateau on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikistan |
帕萨特 pà sà tè | Passat (automobile) |
拉帕斯 lā pà sī | La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia, usually written as 拉巴斯 |
伊斯帕尼奥拉 yī sī pà ní ào lā | Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic) |
伊斯帕尼奧拉 yī sī pà ní ào lā | Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic) |