turban, kerchief, veil; wrap



帕 pà
  • to wrap
  • kerchief
  • handkerchief
  • headscarf
  • pascal (SI unit)


帕 stroke order diagram
帕 stroke order animation


特里克 pà tè lǐ kè Patrick (name)
shǒu pà handkerchief; CL:方[fang1]
kǎ pà kappa (Greek letter Κκ)
斯卡 pà sī kǎ Pascal (name); Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician
金森 pà jīn sēn Parkinson (name)
特丽夏 pà tè lì xià Patricia
西 pà xī Parsi; Farsi; Persian
斯 pà sī Perth, capital of Western Australia
埃尔索 āi ěr pà suǒ El Paso (Texas)
尼尼 pà ní ní (loanword) panini
斯基 sī pà sī jī Spassky (name)
特里克 shèng pà tè lǐ kè Saint Patrick
拉 kǎn pà lā Kampala, capital of Uganda
拉斯尔马斯 lā sī pà ěr mǎ sī Las Palmas, Spain
加拉戈斯群岛 jiā lā pà gē sī qún dǎo Galapagos Islands
瓦蒂 pà wǎ dì Parvati (the consort of Shiva)
赫奇奇 hè qí pà qí Hufflepuff (Harry Potter)
夏 pà xià pasha (loanword)
特里夏 pà tè lǐ xià Patricia
格尼尼 pà gé ní ní Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), Italian violinist and composer
米尔 pà mǐ ěr Pamir high plateau on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikistan
萨特 pà sà tè Passat (automobile)
斯 lā pà sī La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia, usually written as 拉巴斯
伊斯尼奥拉 yī sī pà ní ào lā Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
伊斯尼奧拉 yī sī pà ní ào lā Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
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