gǎng gāng

post; position


崗 gǎng
  • mound
  • policeman's beat


shàng gǎng to take up one's post; to be given a job
xià gǎng to come off sentry duty; to lay off (a worker); laid-off
chuàn gǎng to leave one's post during working hours
伍家 wǔ jiā gǎng Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
伍家區 wǔ jiā gǎng qū Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
nán gǎng Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang
區 nán gǎng qū Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang
tǔ gǎng mound; hillock
仁波齊 gǎng rén bō qí Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet; also written 岡仁波齊|冈仁波齐
位 gǎng wèi a post; a job
哨 gǎng shào lookout post; sentry
巴 gǎng bā Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
巴縣 gǎng bā xiàn Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
樓 gǎng lòu watchtower; observation tower; police booth
穗鶥 nòng gǎng suì méi (bird species of China) Nonggang babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis)
敬業 ài gǎng jìng yè industrious and hard-working; conscientious and meticulous
huàn gǎng to relieve a sentry; to change the guard
暗哨 míng gǎng àn shào both covert and undercover (officers) keeping watch (idiom)
chá gǎng to check the guard posts; (coll.) to check up on sb (spouse, employee etc)
shí gǎng Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong)
zhàn gǎng to stand guard; to serve on sentry duty
hóng gǎng Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
區 hóng gǎng qū Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang
紅花 hóng huā gǎng Honghua district of Zunyi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou
紅花區 hóng huā gǎng qū Honghua district of Zunyi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou
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