
gorge, strait, ravine; isthmus


  • gorge, strait, ravine
  • isthmus
  • gorge


sān xiá Three Gorges on the Chang Jiang or Yangtze, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽|瞿塘峡[Qu2 tang2 Xia2], Wuxia Gorge 巫峽|巫峡[Wu1 Xia2] and Xiling Gorge 西陵峽|西陵峡[Xi1 ling2 Xia2]; Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
大壩 sān xiá dà bà Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River
水庫 sān xiá shuǐ kù Three Gorges Reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze
鎮 sān xiá zhèn Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
三門 sān mén xiá Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan
三門市 sān mén xiá shì Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan
加來海 jiā lái hǎi xiá Strait of Calais in the English channel; Strait of Dover; Pas-de-Calais, département of France
厄勒海 è lè hǎi xiá Øresund; The Sound (strait between Denmark and Sweden)
台灣海 tái wān hǎi xiá Taiwan Strait
呂宋海 lǚ sòng hǎi xiá Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon Island (Philippines)
yān xiá isthmus of the fauces
炎 yān xiá yán angina; sore throat
墨西拿海 mò xī ná hǎi xiá Strait of Messina between Calabria and Sicily
谷 dà xiá gǔ great valley; Grand Canyon of Colorado River
奧特朗托海 ào tè lǎng tuō hǎi xiá Strait of Otranto between the heel of Italy and Albania
對馬海 duì mǎ hǎi xiá Tsushima Strait, between Japan and South Korea
shān xiá gorge; canyon; mountain valley
江 xiá jiāng Xiajiang county in Ji'an 吉安[Ji2 an1], Jiangxi
江縣 xiá jiāng xiàn Xiajiang county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi
灣 xiá wān fjord
谷 xiá gǔ canyon; gill; ravine
wū xiá Wuxia Gorge on the Changjiang or Yangtze, the middle of the Three Gorges 三峽|三峡[San1 Xia2]
巴士海 bā shì hǎi xiá Bashi Channel in the northern part of the Luzon Strait, just south of Taiwan
巽他海 xùn tā hǎi xiá Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java
布里斯托爾海 bù lǐ sī tuō ěr hǎi xiá Bristol Channel in southwest England
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